Our generation stands at the very threshold of the greatest technological revolution. Knowledge & Information are the pillars on which the emerging era of technology stands. Knowledge alone is of no use unless it can be usefully represented and specified.Thanks to the sophisticated technologies such as Computer & Satellite,its awareness and usage have resulted in the booming increase in number of people using internet in their day-to-day life. Internet is the dreamland, the paradise of the computer world. Taking the boons of computer technology into consideration, the institution has plunged into the field. Computer Science and Technology is an inter-disciplinary subject having direct application in diverse areas.The main motive of our college is to provide technical education to the students of middle and lower middle class families to make them economically independent. We also ignite these brains to become most cherished resources on this earth. The computer department prepares the students to face technical problems and to find the solutions. After completing Graduation & Post Graduation Degree / Diploma in Computer Application, students get jobs in banks,companies & other fields.
Courses Offered
1. In I 0+ I , I0+2 ComputerApplication as an Elective Subject
2. Computer Science as an Elective subject in Degree classes.
3. Professional Courses B.C.A., & M.Sc. Computer Science with excellent University results.
4. Department also provides short term courses to students.